We should have sisterhoods and circles that support us throughout the changes in life, the different cycles and to support with every day living and child raising and more.... But chances have it that you didn't have as much support as you perhaps needed throughout your life as a women..... perhaps there was no-one to share the important moments and changes with... perhaps they were shrouded in secrecy or swept under a rug, along with the fears and the emotions and stresses that come with being a women, with hormones and life and work challenges.
We should have been not only supported but celebrated in our uniqueness, your talents nurtured and embraced for the divine essence of life that shines through your lens - the unique way you see the world and particular experiences and wisdoms.... But chances are they were overlooked, or squeezed into some perfectly ordinary box, or overshadowed or broken down.
We should have felt secure in who we are and how we speak and move and dance and think and look.... but chances are you weren't seen, heard, witnessed in your beauty or understood in your complexity.
So what does that mean?
Well it means that we tend to lose track of who we are, we start to judge our differences as wrong and our emotions as bad, and project that lack of compassion onto others.... when they act different, or emotional or difficult.
As women growing up in this world full of broken communities and women... we have no choice but to armour up, to protect ourselves, to perhaps run away, or people please.... these are defence mechanisms and survival techniques... we are intelligent and often learn to manipulate or wear masks, to fit in, to be liked, to seem unthreatening or safe..... or become unchallenging or easy going or palatable...
We lose our depth, we break connection to our true self, we lose our magic and our uniqueness in doing this... we fracture ourselves and then our relationships and our communities from the inside out.
By walking with these wounds covered up, we can only meet people with the mask we have been wearing... we don't know how to take it off if we tried, we can feel disconnected, alone and a mess even.... left with the complexities of being a women without the true grounded unwavering bonds and acceptance that comes from real community.
Sure we can fake it - manipulating everyone into thinking how good and kind we are, even bending over backwards to present ourselves as genuine and perfect and humble.... but when those masks eventually slip - with a challenging relationship or conflict, or when we are faced with how we treat others in unexpected ways that appear on our path, in our reactions.... in our judgements.... our behaiviours..... that hurt broken scared and vulnerable one beneath still exists.... and she can act out in unheavenly ways to stay safe.... manipulation, threats, drama, bitchiness. Her wrath knows no limits......
Women are powerful beings - we birth whole worlds and our energy is pure creation.
How we use it is loud, its magic and it has power.
Used incorrectly it can cause so much damage, burning bridges, causing fear in the hearts of others, causing whole villages to turn on them perhaps, or whole countries in some cases.
We are at a time where women are recognising their power, and the power between how we treat each other and its effects.
Can we be understanding to not only our own masks and behaviours but also that of others... non of us are free of this witch wounding..... echoing thru our histories of how women have been treated over the centuries, how the feminine has been suppressed and how our wisdoms and gatherings have not been nurtured.
I am sure at some point we have been the overly emotional crazy women - as much as we have been the nasty cow raising her eyes at a women acting crazy.
Well its time to stop. This is not how we should be treating each other.... and wherever we are on our healing path - be it at the start collapsed in an emotional mess, or further along with rigid armour strong enough to defend and protect, but over defending and protecting rather than hearing another women's cries.
We birthed a new women's circle this September at Purusha retreats - Gathering monthly on the full moon.... Already I have learned and witnessed so much.
We have touched upon our wounds from other women, and our cycles... and we will continue next month by meeting our little girl and journeying with her through her life.
My aim is to support you to heal your feminine, to face those masks and defences and to realise -- We are all one and the same, no shame... We all need to heal.... There are ways to listen and to have compassion, and we also need to be aware of boundaries, honesty and accountability to gain respect..... But we are not to be feared... and if we want healthy communities, we need healthy women at their core.
Want to join me in the next women's circle -- I will be holding them on November and Decembers full moon before passing on the baton to another beautiful soul being called to continue this circle?
Click the link below to book....... FOR YOUR FREEDOM. xxx
