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It's not just about the qualification.

You know... one of the things I really really struggle with in the UK and beyond is the saturated market of healers - wannabe dogooders, with good intentions but huge spiritual egos, that read and repeat like its that easy to be a spiritual guide on this godforesaken planet.

Like it's that easy to just go through something and wow i'm a spiritual mastermind.

I walked to the base camp of everest, I did my reiki master training, I have a daily practise.

We have lost the humility to let life evolve us at a steady pace, teaching us along the way, remaining humble and then being able to recognise the difference when someone has walked a path and when someone is right at the start of it.

Over my years I have been spat out of the system and society, fallen very deeply into darkness, lost myself completely losing everyone and everything - and I mean everyone.

I didn't keep up appearances, I didn't stay socially acceptable, nobody understood me, everybody patronised me, I had no help, I had no one and was turned on hated and demonised for a long time.... some still do lol.

Over the years I have meditated all over the world, in classes, in hellish times, in solitude, in silence, on mountains, in darkness, in pain and agony, over and over and over.... I have done Indian head massage courses, chinese foot medicine, Qi flow massage (I remember the girl who did that course alone and POW became a dragon mother healer of the world advising everyone - no joke)

I have studied yoga, done trainings, done vipasana in a monestry - then an extended self vipasana walking around the lake in Queenstown, travelling around new zealand then back in my hometown locked in my bedroom for time....

I have been broken and bruised in so many ways I wouldn't even want to expose in this text but I can tell you I could write books and books and shock you to death with all I have been through.

I have suffered, I have been bullied and bully and spent huge amounts of time alone turning inwards, with other cultures with masters and teachers and elders.

I've trained my consciousness and my mind and my thoughts, I've trained in breathwork from multiple teachings, I have done countless bodywork trainings, sat with medicines with shamans and alone and on dancefloors.... I have pushed my consciousness to its limits and fasted and abstained and honestly... the reason I am saying all of this is that

It's not just about the Qualification !!!

It is really not.

I spent years reading self help and spiritual books before it got popular and everyone thought I was mad.

I've studied so many books and teachings that I actually find it hard to absorb more books nower days as I feel like I am full to my brim for one lifetime - no joke.

I have had sessions upon sessions, great space holders and teachers from around the world, and shitty ones who I prob ended up being the teacher.... I have been disappointed and had to eat my words and humble my ass more times than the days I have worked regular jobs.

I've lost everyone and everything over and over.

I am not the type of person who judges you because I have lived a massive life with many experiences... I am human and i understand the complexities of that. Nothing is black and white and anyone who thinks they know it all on a topic shows a huge lack immaturity.

I see huge amounts of immaturity everywhere - including and perhaps especially the spiritual/healer world. Emotional, Spiritual and Mental immaturity.

More than qualificatons -- which anyone can pay for, if they have the time and the money.... Who is this person you are about to bare your soul to?

What have they been through?

How spiritually mature and wise actually are they?

Are they a ranting raving consparicy theorist or are they able to hold the complexities of life or a topic?

How much have they truly been tested?

I know my teachings are deep, I know they trigger people, or I trigger people, but maybe I am meant to. To whittle out those who are simply just not ready.

But I will repeat and repeat and repeat - this area of work is not for the faint hearted, not any tom dick or harry with a good intention should be holding space for you and your processes and it is most certainly not all love and light.

It takes life times and eternal humblings and deep deep shadow work for me to feel as though this is someone I can trust with the depth of my pain and emotions.

Consider that when you are thinking to sign up to the next 5 day womb healing retreat in luxury tents with Sparkles the Healer in Glastonbury -- Who are they? What have they been through ?

And why are they there?


Wanna chat to see how I might be able to support you in your process or in your purpose....

Or if you want to join me in ceremony Click Here.

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