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Grief & Gratitude.....

Writer's picture: Lisa LiLisa Li

Grief and gratitude The knife edge that pierces through this reality into creating the next.

Without either we are stagnant swept up in it all… blind to see our roles as alchemists.

When we came here to do the inner healing work for our bloodlines…

To process all they have been through and transform that old energy….

We have a duty….

To not keep cycling back in what we don’t want….

We are the creators here.

Are you in an echo chamber reflecting back all in the world you don’t want to see?

When I hear of people talking non stop about 15 minute cities and how trump is triggering everyone --- Be triggered, process that energy…

Raise it up and be something different.

Stop energising what you don’t want.

Stop giving it power.

Are you really going to work so hard to cleanse your beautiful energy to be such a pure vessel, to then be a conduit for more of the same??

Stop. Breathe….

And be the change you want to see in this world, it’s really that simple.

If something is triggering you ~ there is more work to do.

You are here to dismantle all that is blocking you from being the clear portal of transformation you came to be in this world.

Stop looking backwards.

Want to try a 1-1 session with me ?

I currently offer online sessions worldwide and in person breathing space sessions will resume in Uk back in mid March.

My breathwork sessions, and myofacial energetic release sessions support you in clearing your energy to be this clear present conscious aware vessel of change.

Whether you are here to speak up or just live your life ~ it doesn’t matter.

It’s how you feel ~ it’s who you effect.

15 minute free intro sessions bookable now via my website to see if we are a fit.

All with an aim to get you unstuck, and more balanced. Free and part of this huge planet clean up and shift into the new age. Ready to do your part ?

To my book via my website  link below....

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