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Well you know about what God does with plans?

Writer's picture: Lisa LiLisa Li

Sticks them up your arse and laughs in your face apparently..... JESUS CHRIST.

What an absolute rigmarole I have just been through.

From a night in Turkey bitch slapped into remembering I need to take extra good care of myself now the world is the way it currently is... Everything was fine, but I took unnecessary risks in unknown cabs with no phone down dark roads, it really stirred me up to remember the world is not as safe as it once was and I must remember that.

Lesson 2, do not kiss your boyfriend no matter how much you missed him if he is sick - INDIA IS NOT THE PLACE TO GET SICK. Normally I am so careful, I hold my breath if I even pass somebody who coughs and my partner offloaded his 3 week virus onto me that he picked up in France. GREAT. I could not get better for the life of me... If anyone knows India well, it's brutal, it's dirty, it's ridiculous and Delhi right now is polluted and cold. I had to travel overnight bus and rush around doing a million things whilst trying to get well. It didn't work.... I got given harmful drugs that i stopped after a day, Ayurveda that helped a little then another overnight bus and Delhis sick air just screwed me royally over.

Everything happens for a reason right - well F me.

I took my 2 flights alone to Northern Thailand to my much loved and anticipated Moon detox retreat and could barely carry my bags.... I had to ask for wheelchair assistance and the flight were torture - I was so so sick. Straight to bed 2 nights as I arrived well in advance of my lovely guests.... but zero improvement so I headed off to the hospital. Pneumonia !! Can you believe it!

A private hospital in Chiang Rai - I did not care any more, I wanted to get better, I was so happy to be in clean Thailand and could frankly never visit India again for all I cared.... My insurance would cover it and health is all we have !! My beautiful girls were so understanding and they were in good hands with Moon and Lucky's program.... We can breathe together later.

I spent 3 nights getting better - watching Thai Netflix and eating rice soup with intermittent drugs and tests and nebulisers I was finally on the mend. PHEW.

Lesson 3. Insurance is bad. I spent 24 hours trying to get my travel insurance to send one guarantee email to the hospital. Since yesterday and then allll day today. Absolute torture. I so much wanted to get back to my girls, see how their detox was going and hold them a workshop to support their process but I was stuck - a prisoner hour after hour trying to get a clear yes or no from the insurance. Finally I lost my shit, I got so upset - paid the damn bill myself and then they finally sent the email.

Really what is with life right now? I feel as though patience doesn't cut it... It's like I constantly have to be pushed beyond into extreme reaction to finally get the energy to shift. WHAT ON EARTH - REALLY.

We are in such weird times on this planet. And most are not reacting. Maybe we need to react more. Maybe our emotions need to move, I mean look at it all - and people go about smiling like its nothing.

Everything always works out in the end but why the torture??.... Something is definatly going on. Like the feminine energy is needed to break through strong and shift it all... the seen and the unseen..... It barely makes sense but I feel it's right on track.

We are gonna shift this. We are just being make clear and precise.

I feel it.

The more I don't give a fuck the better it gets. WILD.

So I am finally back at the detox centre, It's midnight and everyone is asleep - the stars are shining above and It's so so peaceful and I feel stronger than ever.

I'm so gutted I missed the cleanse and wasn't here to support my ladies but sounds like they are having a fab time regardless and I cant wait to catch up with them all tomorrow - God had other plans for me and that was pretty brutal I tell you, but It's over now.

Looking forward to spending some quality time by the pool with them tomorrow - and seeing how much of a glow they got from this cleanse - jealous !! I have more of a pasty hospital bed glow but it is what it is. Energetically I feel like it's been a game changer. Long hours nothing to do plain food sleep. It's what the doctor ordered.

My online sessions available again from Friday and i'm itching to go - come on 2025 I am finally ready... and you know we are in this together.

Time to get stuck in, become the conscious creators we were sent here to be and lets shift this bitch.

Welcome to the age of Aquarious - WE HAVE GOT THIS - I PROMISE!!!

Its time to enjoy our damn lives and truly RISE !!!


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