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Anyone else exhausted of the world & its bullshit?

Writer's picture: Lisa LiLisa Li

Lazing around in my guesthouse in Bangkok as I wait for my partner to land... I am taking so many naps, so many slow walks to nowhere and sponateous eats... massages, doing nothing... just a need for deep rest on a soul level.

Last year was so hard for so many of us, and boy do we need to process it all.

And this year - like a crash bang wallop into India and sickness and a profound reminder to take better care of myself in this wild crazy world... to go slower, to invest, to not take unnecessary risks.

As I have been slowing down these last days. taking a nice comfortable guesthouse instead of the cheapest, eating what I want when I want.... being in silence and contemplation, I am starting to notice just how bored I am of the world and all of its noise.

On social media -- What should I eat? Wow I can't believe they did that, how dare he be president, and blablablablabla.

The world is full with noise right now. The conspiracies, the hard left or right stance, the know it all healer dealer spiritual masterminds and perfectionist coaches and money making techniques.

There is so much noise.

Where is the room for living?



After last year I also wanna simplify more... spent weeks before this trip decluttering, letting go of anything that does not make me feel how I wanna feel. The heaviness... the pointless and unnecessary shit. Be gone.

I also spent the last years - emptying friends lists, phone lists, followers I don't know and frankly I don't care what they ate for breakfast or what they think about chemtrails or vaccines.

Enough already.

Life is so short -- and our energy so precious... I am done diluting it through filters of how everyone else negatively sees the world.

I am done giving my attention and power to people I don't even know let alone even should know a thing about.

I have my own path... my own journey, my books, my art, my healing spaces that I have created and damn, I used to be so much more fun !!

It's time to step back - I have said it a while... We take life WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

Yes it's great to spend time healing, getting clear, figuring out who you are and what you want... BUT IT'S NOT A LIFE SENTENCE !!

Yes we can heal our childhood trauma - but step away from any fancy fool claiming to be a healer telling you that healing never stops. Maybe they are stuck in the exact same loop.

Lets stop looping already.

We are here to create a new world, for us - for our bloodlines and our communities and our planet.

Getting clear and healed and happy is enough - then what you do with that time and energy is up to you !! Do what you love !!!

It's not and never needs to be complex.

Keep doing the same thing - keep getting the same results.

Spend time healing and nourishing your roots, you can enjoy that tree for generations to come.

Are you ready to create positive change in your life?

Step away from the confused masses.... I repeat... Step away from the confused masses.

The dragon mothers and the light language speakers....

How I work is very practically, with simply whats on top... whats right there, I meet you where you are at and very quickly we can see whats missing and whats needed.

Using breathwork and other techniques - we can easily reach completion, wholeness, steadiness, self love and inner strength - so that you can then go confidently and live & create your damn beautiful life !!!

I am not here to keep you trapped with me week after week - year after year (like some space holders I know of).

Step away from the illusion and the delusion. We are each our own healer and nobody is here to save you -- thats your job.

Wanna shift your life?

Want me to hold space for you?

Drop me a message or book on for a 15 minute free intro zoom to see if we are a fit!!

Currently I'm doing online sessions and packages until mid March - in person sessions will then resume available up and down UK/Europe.

For your freedom.

You do not need to suffer !! Life is for living... So lets live already !!

Lisa xxx

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